=================== ``plantweb.render`` =================== .. automodule:: plantweb.render .. contents:: :local: .. currentmodule:: plantweb.render Functions ========= - :py:func:`render_file`: Render given PlantUML, Graphviz or DITAA file. - :py:func:`render`: Render given PlantUML, Graphviz or DITAA content. - :py:func:`render_cached`: Render given content in the PlantUML server or fetch it from cache. - :py:func:`determine_engine`: Determine the engine used in the given content. .. autofunction:: render_file .. autofunction:: render .. autofunction:: render_cached .. autofunction:: determine_engine Variables ========= - :py:data:`WRAP_STR` .. autodata:: WRAP_STR :annotation: .. code-block:: guess {'ditaa': 'ditaa', 'graphviz': 'dot', 'plantuml': 'uml'}